second day of classes

today i had collage and documentary photography. collage was cancelled for today but i didn't find out until i got to class and waited for 30 minutes. however, i did meet a girl named alissa who is from the states delaying the college process. she and i hung out in the library looking at cool art books. i think it was open house day at bezalel because i saw the members of the army walking around the school. thankfully, none of them were carrying guns. i'm sorry but i'll never get used to people my age in a uniform toting a m16. it was the best open house that i've ever been to. first, i think there were art students, or post-bacc students selling cool artsy ware. one was selling a translucent keyboard lamp. one turned white potholders into cute wallets. someone had a rubix cube and made it into a doll thing. a plugin lamp in a can, etc etc. the coolest, i think, was the light bulb soap dispenser. and there was free popcorn and redbull all around. then i had documentary photography. first off, i'm really excited to take this class. reason: the teacher announced that we will be doing stereoscopy photography. OMFGGGG excitementtt! but i have to build a slide bar for it and measure the distance between my eyes so i can take pictures to make them stereo. who cares if the students in the class take really crappy pictures? it's interesting that i can tell the difference between a first year, second year, third year and a fourth year. at smfa that was never really the case. anyways i'm rambling. last thing, i thought i'd be able to take three or four classes... however, i'm taking seven classes and that's barely a full semester. i wish i have enough time to take photo and develop them.


Athena said...

O my goodness, seven classes? That sounds really intense.

I wish that I had any idea what you were talking about when you use technical photography terms, but oh well.

I am very glad to see that you are enjoying yourself and that the start of classes is going smoothly. It was such a bumpy and terrible process here that I would never wish such trials on anyone else.