
i've always had this ideal in my head--that when one goes abroad, one engages in adventures that are one in a million, changes into a different person, etc. well it's been almost three months, yet i feel completely unaltered from when i first arrived. these are my assessments. i am more vegetarian than before. i won't touch meat here. however, if someone has prepared some for me, i will eat it out of respect, i suppose. i adore coffee and won't be able to tolerate the weak american one once i return. i love fresh produce and haggling. political discussion rule my day to day living. i don't know. perhaps i was banking on this experience too much. maybe it is what it is and i shouldn't expect to "miraculously" change although i am engaging in different social customary practices and whatnot. i feel more affiliated with israel than america, which should amuse my friends, especially my teachers. i find myself keeping shabbat inadvertently. this is a terrible assessment. i will stop now.


michelle.eilers said...

it sounds to me like you have changed. not necessarily in the outright, obvious ways in which you expected, but i see a lot of change in the last several posts i've read. and please, bring back some of your crazy strong coffee and i will forever be indebited to your beautiful soul.